Press Behavioral Economics

Measuring voters’ knowledge of political news


The findings have implications for the role that information inequality plays in shaping policy

Oct 20, 2020
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Hack4theFuture aims to innovate for the Future of Work during COVID-19


Hackathon is open to the public and will take place November 6-8, 2020

Oct 19, 2020
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Press Finance

Study: significant disconnect between credit agency ratings, CLO risk


Ratings agencies could be using subjective factors to assign risk; or portfolio managers could be strategically using “window-dressing” to make CLOs appear less risky.

Oct 8, 2020
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Press Economy

Gig economy serves as a safety net for unemployed


"This study looks at whether the introduction of the gig economy into a region can lessen the demand for UI and mitigate the need to accumulate personal debt.”

Oct 8, 2020
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Press Diversity

Black homeowners pay more to be homeowners than other groups


Despite the fact that mortgage rates are at an all-time low, recent research done at the MIT Sloan School demonstrates that African Americans continue to pay more than other groups to be homeowners.

Oct 7, 2020
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Press Behavioral Science

Stereotypes about astrological signs lead to discrimination in China


Virgos are discriminated against in dating and job recruitment in China

Oct 1, 2020
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