Press Behavioral Science

How media networks could curtail spread of false COVID-19 news


Asking people to consider the accuracy of a single news story unrelated to COVID-19 doubles their level of discernment when deciding to share true versus false headlines about COVID-19.

Apr 20, 2020
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Reopening the post-pandemic economy and avoiding Big Brother


“Getting people back to work safely is imperative,” says Prof. Pentland. “Certifying immunity in a way that preserves personal privacy is the first step toward helping people stay safe and healthy."

Apr 20, 2020
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Press Entrepreneurship

'Celebrating Entrepreneurs,' firsthand account of MIT entrepreneurship


The book by Edward Roberts—now in its second edition—offers a firsthand account of the past, present, and future of entrepreneurship at the school.

Apr 16, 2020
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Press Analytics

Models track COVID-19 spread in communities, predict patient outcomes


Prof. Dimitris Bertsimas and nearly two dozen doctoral students are using machine learning and optimization to find answers and generating accurate real-time insight into the pandemic.

Apr 15, 2020
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Press Economy

Professors propose policy to help economy recover after pandemic


Their approach helps the supply side of the economy “snap back” in the second phase of the crisis. The key is creating a master agreement that provides a win-win solution for all parties.

Apr 14, 2020
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Press Economy

COVID-19 public health interventions may hasten economic recovery


MIT Sloan School Prof. Emil Verner analyzed the economic effects of the 1918 Flu Pandemic and found that public health interventions have no adverse effect on local economic outcomes.

Apr 1, 2020
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