Press Data

Data is Everybody’s Business: The Fundamentals of Data Monetization


MIT Sloan research finds that on average 82% of data monetization returns come from improving work operations and customer experience versus 18% from selling information.

Oct 16, 2023
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Press Diversity

Gender disparities limit chances for women PhD students


MIT Sloan research finds that female STEM doctoral students are less likely to become new inventors compared to their male counterparts during the years of their training.

Aug 28, 2023
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Press Social Media

Why big changes early in life can help later on


New study shows big changes early in life can help strengthen connections with others.

Jul 12, 2023
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Press Social Media

Why do people around the world share fake news?


Since the 2016 U.S. Presidential election and British “Brexit” referendum — and then COVID-19 — opened the floodgates on fake news, research has delved into the psychology behind online misinformation

Jun 29, 2023
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Press Finance

How credit is allocated during booms can predict busts


Across history, some bursts of lending to companies and individuals, or so-called "credit booms," have led to busts, while others haven't.

Jun 26, 2023
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Press Data

Study: Microtargeting works, just not the way people think


Recent U.S. elections have raised the question of whether “microtargeting,” the use of extensive online data to tailor persuasive messages to voters, has altered the playing field of politics.

Jun 21, 2023
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