Press Operations Management

MIT Sloan research receives the 2019 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award


New approach to optimizing school bus routes and start times reduces bus fleet and enables reinvestment in schools

Apr 1, 2019
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Press Analytics

MIT Sloan & Universidad de Chile launch new data analytics certificate


The program is MIT Sloan’s first partnership with a university in Latin America, notably a public university.

Mar 27, 2019
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Press Analytics

MIT Sloan y la U. de Chile lanzan nuevo programa de análisis de datos


El programa representa la primera asociación del MIT Sloan con una universidad de América Latina, y en particular con una universidad pública.

Mar 27, 2019
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Press Digital Economy

A new study measures the value that digital goods and services create


New research by Erik Brynjolfsson, Avinash Collis, and Felix Eggers uses massive online choice experiments to measure the value digital goods and services create.

Mar 26, 2019
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Press Finance

MIT Sloan appoints Laura Kodres at Golub Center


Former division chief at International Monetary Fund will focus on financial regulation research

Mar 20, 2019
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Press Sustainability

MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative awarded $750,000 grant


Research project to create an online database assessing the carbon intensity of financial institutions

Mar 19, 2019
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