
Free MITx online course on Shaping the Future of Work to start on March 20, 2018


MIT Sloan professor's course will explore ways to use advancing digital technologies to improve work along with developing a personal plan for career success

Mar 8, 2018
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Press Diversity

MIT's Hack for Inclusion aims to create tools to fight discrimination and unconscious bias


MIT's Hack for Inclusion, a two-day hackathon aimed at developing solutions for bias, will take place March 9-10, 2018 at the Microsoft New England Research and Development center in Cambridge.

Mar 7, 2018
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Press Analytics

12th Annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference to welcome sports industry's analytics giants to Boston on February 23-24, 2018 


The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, to speak at MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference

Feb 1, 2018
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Press Health Care

Measuring the risks and rewards of drug development: New research from MIT shows that the success rates of clinical trials are higher than previously thought


The study has broad implications for investors, regulators, policymakers, and clinicians

Jan 31, 2018
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Press Cybersecurity

MIT Sloan to host “Think Security” event focused on critical infrastructure cybersecurity


Student seminar will run in collaboration with Kaspersky Lab from Jan. 23 – Jan. 26

Jan 17, 2018
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MIT’S Sloan School of Management and Media Lab announce Gensler joint appointment


MIT Sloan and the MIT Media Lab announce the joint appointment of Gary Gensler as Senior Advisor to the Director of the Media Lab and Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management.

Jan 16, 2018
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