
MIT Sloan research reveals reversal of rising earnings inequality


A new study has found that U.S earnings inequality has stalled over the last decade. It marks the first sustained reversal of rising earnings inequality in approximately 30 years.

Oct 5, 2022
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Research on the effect of mask wearing on everyday behaviors in China.


New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences examines the psychological and behavioral consequences of mask wearing.

Oct 4, 2022
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Facebook has negative impact on the mental health of college students


The findings found a rise in the number of students who had access to Facebook reporting severe depression and anxiety (7% and 20% respectively).

Sep 27, 2022
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Which countries can accept a “new normal” of living with COVID-19


In their new research paper Professors Hazhir Rahmandad and John Sterman studied the COVID-19 pandemic across 93 countries and how their responsiveness to COVID risks affects future COVID disease.

Sep 21, 2022
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“Weaker ties” are more beneficial for job seekers on LinkedIn


A team of researchers conducted a study on the impact of social media on the labor market and found that weaker social connections have a greater beneficial effect on job mobility than stronger ties.

Sep 15, 2022
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Press Public Policy

New MIT research forecasts effect of two-dose vaccine strategies


New research forecasts the effect of two-dose vaccine strategies on the cumulative number of infections and deaths in the U.S.

Aug 15, 2022
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