Ideas Made to Matter Finance

Decentralized finance: 4 challenges to consider


With its open access and anonymous nature, DeFi aims to revolutionize financial institutions. But governance and tax enforcement issues loom large.

Jul 11, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Financial Markets

Wall Street gurus: How to invest in a volatile market


Nobel Prize winner Robert Merton and other financial luminaries weigh in on target date funds, value stocks, and finding opportunity in crisis.

Jun 6, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Financial Markets

Study: How target date funds impact investment behavior


The average U.S. investor holds more of their wealth in the stock market than in prior decades — a trend drastically accelerated by target date funds.

May 23, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Social Media

How can social platforms protect kids from hateful speech?


Researchers analyzed 110 million YouTube comments. Their recommendation: Use algorithms to hide toxic speech, then follow up with human review.

Feb 28, 2022
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