Alumni Finance

An Obligation to Deliver Knowledge, Advance Careers in Finance


Hong Ru, MFin ’10, PhD ’15, and Juno Wei Chen, MFin ’10, are grateful for the chance to give back to the place where they met and set off on their respective career paths.

Nov 20, 2023
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Ideas Made to Matter Finance

Couples miss out when they fail to coordinate retirement benefits


Better communication between spouses could translate to saving an average of almost $700 more every year, new MIT Sloan research shows.

Nov 7, 2023
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Ideas Made to Matter Public Policy

A Nobel economist’s take on bank behavior, bailouts, and policy


Robert C. Merton shares his views on Silicon Valley Bank, interest-rate risk, and the need for an accurate assessment of financial policy.

Oct 17, 2023
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Press Finance

How credit is allocated during booms can predict busts


Across history, some bursts of lending to companies and individuals, or so-called "credit booms," have led to busts, while others haven't.

Jun 26, 2023
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