Press Source: Yale Climate Connections (Opinion Piece)

Deadlines loom for Capitol Hill action on Trump-era climate issues

"This is a time when legislators should listen, and closely, to what their constituents are saying and expecting them to do."

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Press Source: The Guardian (Opinion Piece)

There's a simple way to green the economy – and it involves cash prizes ...

"The ‘carbon dividend’ is so elegant that it seems too good to be true. Governments should make it a post-pandemic priority."

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Press Source: Yale Climate Connections (Opinion Piece)

Inaction on the climate threat is NOT an option

"...there is much to promote recovery from the human and economic damages caused by the coronavirus and our responses to it."

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Press Source: Yale Climate Connections (Opinion Piece)

Multiple extreme climate events can combine to produce catastrophic dama...

"Over time, the weather eventually becomes more favorable. Unfortunately, the climate is not going to change back to what used to be."

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Press Source: Yale Climate Connections (Opinion Piece)

The evidence is compelling on human activity as the principal cause of g...

“'s overwhelmingly human activities – in particular combustion of fossil fuels – that can explain observed global temperature increases."

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

The Trump administration cooks the climate change numbers once again

Henry Jacoby and co-authors write: "Ignoring the science to cook the numbers discredits the federal process for public decision-making."

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Press Source: Scientific American (Opinion Piece)

Counterfactual experiments are crucial but easy to misunderstand

"With COVID-19, as with climate, we need to explore a variety of possible futures in order to set policy."

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion piece)

We cannot ignore the links between COVID-19 and the warming planet

Henry Jacoby and co-authors write: “The inextricable connections between global warming and pandemics are ignored at our peril."

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

Can a pandemic aid the fight against global warming?

Prof. Henry Jacoby and co-authors write: “...even under all of this stress, we cannot afford to forget the peril posed by an overheated planet."

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

There is no Plan B on climate change

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