Press Source: Marketplace (Audio)

Some big Wall Street banks reverse their back-to-office plans -- again

"The idea of everyone coming in five days a week and working from 8 till 10 p.m., I think that we're not going to have that anymore.”

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal

Holiday gift books 2021: Business

“Remote, Inc.” is on this list of "books that offer insight and guidance for negotiating the work-life balance … "

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Press Source: The Good Life Podcast (Audio)

The former president of Fidelity on remote work

Today's guest is [Senior Lecturer] Bob Pozen ... He teaches a course at MIT Sloan called “Maximizing your own Productivity.”

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

To keep the top talent, professional firms must retire the 9-to-5

"Although hours are easy to measure, they are a poor proxy for productivity in a knowledge-based organization."

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Press Source: MarketWatch

Work from home troubles many companies. Here's how to show the boss that...

"In a knowledge-based economy, the hours worked are an input, not an output ... the boss should be mainly interested in results – the outputs."

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Press Source: BBC | Worklife

Is the formal 'suited and booted' office dress code extinct?

Bob Pozen suggests that flexibility might trickle down to what you’re expected to wear. “[Workers] don’t want some rigid dress code."

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Press Source: MarketWatch (Opinion Piece)

14 U.S. states now give the rich this big tax break - and the only loser...

More states may allow some high-income business owners to get around the $10,000 limit on federal deductions for state and local taxes.

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Press Source: Fast Company

7 productivity hacks for getting stuff done in a hybrid office

“Each team has to decide what's the optimal combination of hybrid of office and home for that team."

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

An effective and politically viable option for corporate tax reform

“...proposals to increase corporate taxes deserve serious consideration...a modified approach to corporate tax reform would be more realistic."

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Press Source: GBH | Greater Boston (Video)

The wage gap between workers and CEOs is growing. Can it be reduced?

Bob Pozen joins Jim Braude to discuss how the pandemic has opened up conversations about reducing inequality.

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