Press Source: The Sun (UK)

Warm weather does not stop coronavirus spreading as researchers warn ‘su...

“ … the pandemic is not likely to diminish solely due to summer weather.”

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Press Source: UPI

Warmer weather not expected to help contain coronavirus

" ... high temperatures and humidity can moderately reduce the transmission rates of coronavirus, ... "

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Press Source: WBUR

Summer heat could slow coronavirus spread but only modestly, Harvard and...

"There is an impact from weather conditions, specifically temperature and humidity ... but those impacts are modest."

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Press Source: US News & World Report

Will warmer temps help contain coronavirus? Two studies say not really

" ... the pandemic is not likely to diminish solely due to summer weather ... "

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Press Source: Il Giornale (Italy)

Coronavirus, lo studio in Russia: "Virus sopra i 30 gradi perde forza"

"Vi è indubbiamente un impatto delle condizioni meteorologiche … sulle velocità di trasmissione di COVID-19."

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Press Source: The Boston Globe

MIT Sloan study: Summer's heat and humidity not going to stop the corona...

"The pandemic is not likely to diminish solely due to summer weather,” said Hazhir Rahmandad.

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Press Source: The National Interest

916,000 in Iran have coronavirus: Expert

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