Press Source: The Boston Globe

Actual number of COVID-19 cases is 12 times higher than reported, with 5...

...the researchers estimate that 1 percent of cases have been fatal...roughly 10 times the fatality rate of the seasonal flu.

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Press Source: Newsweek

The right level of humidity may be important weapon in fighting coronavi...

[Prof.] Rahmandad noticed that COVID-19 tended to spread in Iran at different rates from one region to the next.

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Press Source: BioSpace

Hot, humid weather slows SARS-CoV-2 transmission, but won’t end the cris...

“This effect is modest because a change of one standard deviation is rather large.”

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Press Source: The New York Times

Will hot weather kill the coronavirus where you live?

Hazhir Rahmandad … suggested a high UV index could drive people indoors, where it’s easier to spread the virus.

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Press Source: Folkebladet Lemvig (Denmark)

Forskere i USA og Rusland: Varme stopper ikke Covid-19

"Navnligt temperaturen og luftfugtighed har betydning for overførelsen af Covid-19, men kun i beskedent omfang ... "

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Press Source: nty (Germany)

Sommer soll Pandemie kaum beeinflussen

" ... wird die Pandemie wahrscheinlich nicht allein aufgrund des Sommerwetters verschwinden", so Rahmandad.

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Press Source: VOA

Will warmer weather slow COVID-19 spread?

"Weather alone cannot quench the epidemic in summer, even though it does help reduce the transmission rates to some extent."

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Press Source: TechTimes

COVID-19 update: Summer could only slow coronavirus spread, researchers ...

" ... high temperatures and humidity can moderately reduce the transmission rates of coronavirus ... "

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Press Source: CNN Turk (Turkey)

Sıcak hava koronavirüsü durduracak mı?

Çalışmada 25 derecelik sıcaklığın üzerinde her 0,556 °C’lik artış için yayılamada yaklaşık yüzde 1,5’lik bir azalma olduğu bulundu.

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Press Source: Nigerian Tribune

Warm weather doesn't curb COVID-19 spread, studies reveal

" ... the pandemic is not likely to diminish solely due to summer weather ... ”

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