Press Source: The Washington Post

Silicon Valley is pricing academics out of AI research

"To keep getting better, what you expect to need is more and more money, more and more computers, more and more data."

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Press Source: Poet & Quants for Executives

The AI boom in executive education: What you can study right now at the ...

Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy — has made history, becoming the most-attended online program at MIT Sloan ExecEd.

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Press Source: Banker & Tradesman

Three Massachusetts women changing the face of leadership

"Here in Massachusetts, we have three champions who are leading the way, not just for themselves, but also for greater equity for all."

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Press Source: NPR

JPMorgan Chase is the biggest of the big banks. Critics say that poses ...

"There's nothing necessary or essential about the mega banks at the JPMorgan scale."

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Press Source: BusinessNews (Greece)

Maria Sinanis & John Davis: Succession begins long before the transfer o...

"I would say the top challenge for family businesses is the pace of change and how unpredictable the future is."

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Press Source: Inc.

How to measure the productivity of remote workers

If you've set clear priorities, micromanaging will be redundant "because you've told them: Here's what you need to accomplish.”

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Press Source: VoxDev

Universal basic income in Kenya

Tavneet Suri discusses new evidence from a long-term, large-scale experiment in Kenya evaluating the impacts of providing a UBI.

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Press Source: MarketWatch

Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet and other corporate giants have huge bond hol...

"In essence, corporate giants have become lenders in their own right, running financial institutions within their company walls."

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Press Source: Vox

Bitcoin is ... back?

"It is becoming increasingly clear that bitcoin will be a foundational asset for the future of the financial system."

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Press Source: BBC | Worklife

DEI is a lightning rod for controversy – but the practice isn't dead

Some people and firms are now fatigued following George Floyd's death, the "guilt" brought by America's racial dialogue and the surge in DEI ...

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