Press Source: Financial Times

Food and farming rise up the agenda at COP28

Andrey Zarur compares traditional pesticides to "carpet bombing." His solution is akin to using "sniper shots to deal with pests on our fields."

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Press Source: Los Angeles Times

OpenAI's drama marks a new and scary era in artificial intelligence

"This elite will now impose their vision for technology on the rest of humanity. Most of us will not enjoy the consequences."

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Press Source: FedScoop

How one national lab is getting its supercomputers ready for the AI age

"There's this incredibly predictive relationship between the amount of computing you use in an AI system and how well you can do."

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Press Source: Harvard Gazette

AI may be just what the dentist ordered

"AI will become the predominant methodology for predictions and decision-making across all fields."

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Press Source: Lean Blog Interviews Podcast

Wiring the winning organization: Authors Steven J. Spear and Gene Kim

Senior lecturer Steve Spear, co-author of "Wiring the Winning Organization" discusses his new book.

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Press Source: The Hill

Tipping into the danger zone — we need to learn more about climate tippi...

"We need a clear, sober and concerted scientific effort to understand the risks posed by exceeding tipping points."

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Press Source: Courthouse News Service

Economists clash over coercive ties and billing fees in Google-Epic Game...

"It matters when you see a competitor that's not part of this case actually say we're competing against Google Play."

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Press Source: Harvard Business Review

How to capitalize on generative AI

"Generative AI's privacy, intellectual property, and bias risks are all legitimate concerns, but they can be contained."

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Press Source: Trend Following (Podcast)

Ep. 1236: Andrew McAfee Interview with Michael Covel on Trend Following ...

Andrew McAfee has written several books on digital technology and related topics. He speaks frequently to both academic and industry audiences.

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Press Source: Financial Times

Why the breakdown of the 9-to-5 job is making us lonelier

It’s preferable for an employer to deal with the cost of fluctuating business requirements than it is for employees to cope with uncertainty.

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