Press Source: The Economist

Into the upside down

"Units with high turnover have worse customer satisfaction, worse execution and costs are much bigger."

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Press Source: MarketWatch

Many couples make this huge mistake with their 401(k)s

One in four married couples aren't taking full advantage of the 401(k) matching contributions their employers offer.

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Press Source: Information Age

New MIT framework helps firms determine quantum value

"We need to consider the speed of the computer versus the route."

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Press Source: Expansión

Why eliminating the Central Bank is not the solution for Argentina?

"Dollarizing with a shortage of dollars stinks. The country must primarily address its chronic fiscal problem.

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Press Source: Reuters

US wraps up antitrust case against Google in historic trial

"When there's not a competitive threat, they're not making that investment. And quality is lower."

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Press Source: The Economist

What will artificial intelligence mean for your pay?

An AI assistant rolled out this year lifted the productivity of customer-support agents by 35%.

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Press Source: The Guardian

AI is coming for our jobs! Could universal basic income be the solution?

"We do see people leaving low wage jobs. They are starting businesses, and the businesses are doing great because there's money around."

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Press Source: Big Think

One of the few places where America's rich and poor mingle: Olive Garden...

"In ZIP codes where poor people encounter a higher share of rich people daily, there’s a higher degree of cross-class friendships."

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Press Source: Marketplace (Podcast)

What counts as “discretionary” spending?

People who don’t have to worry about money often buy things they think of as necessities, but really aren’t, said Jonathan Parker.

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Press Source: The Boston Globe

Why are ‘geeky’ companies winning? It’s about culture, not tech.

Andrew McAfee argues it’s a mistake to think that geeky companies can only win in tech.

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