Press Source: The Wall Street Journal

Americans can’t stop spending. Five reasons why.

"People have a fair bit of debt capacity before they start hitting constraints."

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Press Source: Financial Times

Britain's graduates are being short-changed while America's are rich

As the share of graduates in the UK workforce has expanded over the past 25 years, the wage premium they command has fallen.

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Press Source: Singapore Times

What 'geek companies' inherently understand about business success

Geeky companies tend to be top performers when compared to more rigid or less inspired companies. Culture matters.

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Press Source: Ivoox | Billion Dollar Moves™ with Sarah Chen Global (Podcast)

Leading with kindness: The power of goodwill with James Rhee, owner, Red...

"Kindness creates goodwill. The best deals in the world are things done on handshakes."

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Press Source: Women We Admire

MIT study offers ideas for closing the STEM innovation gap

Female STEM PhD students are 21% less likely than their male counterparts to have received mentorship from top inventor advisors.

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Press Source: Ivoox | Things I Didn't Learn In School (Podcast)

China Under Xi Jinping - MIT Prof. Yasheng Huang

"In my book I observed that the Chinese economy was catching up with South Korea but the Chinese politics was catching up with North Korea."

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Press Source: Stanford Social Innovation Review (Opinion Piece)

Choosing AI’s impact on the future of work

"If AI brings a dystopian future, it will be because we failed to grasp how this technology could be developed and used."

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Press Source: Financial Times

Are we right to fear China?

Yasheng Huang's wry dedication — “to the autocrats of the world. They give us so much to write about” — says it all.

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Press Source: The Guardian

US unions winning big gains amid ‘Great Reset’ in worker power

"These successes are a reflection of the workforce’s strong expectations and the workforce’s demands to make up for lost ground."

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Press Source: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation (Opinion Piece)

Good and bad CEOs

"CEOs are not randomly allocated to firms and their turnover is likely to be correlated with other changes that affect productivity."

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