Press Source: Associated Press

UAW strikes at General Motors SUV plant as union begins to target automa...

Thomas Kochan said adding the GM SUV plant means the negotiations are at a pivotal point.

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Press Source: BBC | Worklife

The employees secretly using AI at work

Many organisations are concerned their data will be leaked potentially surfacing corporate secrets to competitors' prompts.

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Press Source: Time Magazine

Why Middle East peace requires turning off Iran’s oil and increasing Sau...

Professor Catherine Wolfram has proposed imposing a price cap on Iranian oil, similar to the price cap on Russian oil.

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Press Source: The World Economic Forum

This MIT professor explains how good jobs can boost productivity and com...

Business leaders can choose to see their employees as drivers of growth and profitability, invest heavily in them and operate with low turnover.

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Press Source: The New York Times

Why do women still wear stilettos?

" ... height was an evolutionary advantage, allowing female hunter-gatherers to reach food that otherwise would have been inaccessible."

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Press Source: USA Today

Are you leaving money on the table: How 1 in 4 couples is missing out on...

"It’s not just how much you save. It’s how you save, and where you save."

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Press Source: Redefining Society Podcast

Wiring the winning organization: Liberating our collective greatness thr...

Dive into the intricacies of organizational success with senior lecturer Steven J. Spear.

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Press Source: Telegraph Magazine (UK)

The eurozone’s next crisis is already approaching, in Italy

Athanasios Orphanides said the ECB made a grave error by restoring its collateral framework after the pandemic.

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Press Source: Veja (Brazil)

"Lula disappointed me," says Turkish economist Daron Acemoglu

Income distribution programs, like those created during Lula's first presidential term, fulfilled their role, but are no longer sufficient.

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Press Source: HR Dive

Encourage worker consistency, not more personal investment, MIT Sloan st...

"Giving half consistently is better for performance than fully investing yourself on some days and not at all on others.”

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