Press Source: The Christian Science Monitor

Labor pacts that ennoble

"We need to make sure that they’re [machines and technology] representing the best of who we are and can become as a species."

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Press Source: Foreign Affairs (Opinion Piece)

China’s economic slowdown was inevitable

"Beijing has betrayed and rejected its own success formula, and the economy is paying the price."

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Press Source: The Boston Globe (Subscription Required)

William Pounds, MIT Sloan School dean who chaired a key Vietnam War-era ...

MIT Sloan should be “aimed at producing people who are capable of making whatever part of the world they may be involved in work better.”

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Press Source: CNBC (Video)

UAW strike: There are no winners and losers in labor negotiations, profe...

"We need to find a settlement that works for both parties, and works for the consumers, and works for the national economy."

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Press Source: Foreign Policy

How to get Chinese elites to support democracy

"In the wise words of a Chinese proverb, 'accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger.'"

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Press Source: Next Big Idea Club (Opinion Piece)

The rise and fall of the EAST: How exams, autocracy, stability, and tech...

"I compare democracy to an insurance policy. When things go well, you do not need it, but when things go badly, you would appreciate having it."

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Press Source: Financial Times (Subscription Required)

US Federal Reserve set to hold interest rates but leave tightening in pl...

"I think they still have another hike in them at some point ... there is still more momentum in underlying inflation than we expected."

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Press Source: Les Echos (Subscription Required)

La fable des lombrics

Professor David Thesmar recommends reading Gaspard Koenig's "Humus," which he feels perfectly illustrates the moral dilemmas of our time.

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Press Source: TechCrunch

TikTok debuts new tools and technology to label AI content

TikTok consulted with MIT’s Dr. David G. Rand, whose research has examined how users respond to different types of AI labels.

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Press Source: Business Insider

The boss is back in charge

"I think we were at a period of tight labor markets and a growing recognition of workers' desire to have a say in how they work."

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