Press Source: Huff Post

Labor unions are making a comeback

"The penalties for employer violations of labor law are ludicrous. So weak that it has no deterrent effect."

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal (Subscription Required)

Why central bankers are unsure whether they’ve raised rates enough

"You know where you want to go. You know where the summit is, but there are no more markers and you have to feel your way."

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Press Source: Fortune (Subscription Required)

How CFOs should be strategizing about generative A.I. spend

"The issue isn’t 'What should we spend?' It’s 'What do we want our returns to be?'"

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Press Source: The Economist

The best bosses know how to subtract work

In “The Case for Good Jobs”, a new book, Zeynep Ton of MIT Sloan School of Management argues that doing less can often make commercial sense.

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece) (Registration Required)

The wrong BRICS expansion

"The world does not need more countries to fall under Chinese and Russian influence, or to align against the United States."

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Press Source: Loughborough University

Experts in sport: How will the metaverse impact the sport industry?

Questions remain as to how the sport industry can capitalize on new virtual reality spaces.

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Press Source: Financial Times (Subscription Required)

Non-profit and industry investors propose paediatric cancer fund

Andrew Lo proposed a $30bn cancer “megafund” a decade ago to combine drug testing projects to diversify risk.

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Press Source: Spiegel International

MIT economist takes on big tech: "Our future will be very dystopian"

The rich and powerful have hijacked progress throughout history, says Daron Acemoglu. They did so in the Middle Ages and now in the age of AI.

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Press Source: The Washington Post

Employee referrals fill jobs but hurt diversity

Research led by Emilio Castilla found that referred employees received more support than other new hires.

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal (Subscription Required)

‘The Rise and Fall of the EAST’ review: China’s conformity crisis

In "The Rise and Fall of the EAST," Mr. Huang explains Chinese history as a tussle between administrative "scale" and intellectual "scope."

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