Press Source: Fortune

Fears over AI killing labor demand are 'probably overblown,' researcher ...

"The history of general-purpose technologies shows that the growth they bring is accompanied by strong demand for labor."

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Press Source: The Hill

Biden crackdown on power plants expected to speed shift away from coal

"What we've seen, even without these rules, is that coal generation is falling. These new rules will certainly push to speed that transition up."

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Press Source: Forbes

Ideal AI dream team: Technologists, strategists, users, and ethicists

"AI skills are not overly abundant, so organizations need to upskill and train employees on technical skills and technical decision-making."

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Press Source: MarketWatch

Economists react to Trump possibly curbing Fed's independence: 'Bad idea...

"Countries that have experimented with political 'consultation' on monetary policy have experienced prolonged periods of inflation."

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Press Source: Charter

What to do when protests come to your workplace

"They may be able to suppress any action at one point in time, but they won't be able to suppress the interest of employees having a voice."

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Press Source: Finance & History Podcast

Failing banks

What we are trying to understand is what do bank failures look like throughout history and which theories are most consistent with that history.

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Press Source: Radiology Today

Digital health tools transform health care

"Using information from a patient's medical record ... machine learning algorithms can substantially improve diagnostic testing."

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Press Source: Project Syndicate

History already tells us the future of AI

Machines are not necessarily good or bad. Whether they destroy or create jobs all depends on how we deploy them, and on who makes those choices.

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Press Source: China Daily

Conference leaders call for improved ties

"Competition itself does not destroy relationships. Economic competition makes countries strong."

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Press Source: Poets & Quants

The leadership renaissance in executive education: Cutting-edge programs...

Post-covid, leadership classes have become even more popular, with new year-long certificate programs at MIT Sloan School of Management.

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