Press Source: Fast Company

Why great leaders are always kind — but not always nice

"Leading a business with kindness and math is about creating a more natural space for the exchange of goods and services among human beings."

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Press Source: United States Chamber of Commerce

Starting a small business? How to find your first customers

In this "Ask the Board" column, Paul Cheek shares advice on how entrepreneurs can find their first customers.

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Press Source: Bloomberg

The US and its allies face a $10 trillion reckoning in the race to rearm

I don't foresee a fiscal crisis from elevated defense spending. I worry about a national security crisis from a failure to defend your country.

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Press Source: HBR IdeaCast

A roadmap for today's entrepreneurs

Bill Aulet discusses trends he's seen over the past few years, and outlines steps anyone can take to get a new venture off the ground.

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