Press Source: MoneyWise

Most Americans think college degrees aren't worth the expense, according...

A paper by Sinan Aral and co-authors discovered that high-paying jobs often come through "weak ties" — for example, people who are acquaintances.

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Press Source: The Allegheny Front

Episode for June 14, 2024

"If they're not using [coal mines] to make sustainable aviation fuel, the methane is going to go into the atmosphere."

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Press Source: Bloomberg

Some kind of carbon tax is coming to America, like it or not

A carbon tax could raise $2 trillion over a decade putting a huge dent in the federal budget deficit.

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Press Source: The Economist

Why China's economic model still appeals overseas

Yasheng Huang discussed why China's model for economic development holds appeal for countries looking for an alternative to the Washington model.

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