Press Source: Stanford University | HAI Blog

Digital Economy Lab fellow Alex 'Sandy' Pentland: Building a better, saf...

"I'd like to see us build a better digital ecosystem so that we can have a thriving, creative, safe society."

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Press Source: The Economist

China's economic model retains a dangerous allure

Developing economies could learn far more from China's economic liberalization after Deng Xiaoping than its more recent experiences.

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Press Source: The Atlantic

The future of fulfilling work is AI-driven

"If you force people to interact with AI in a completely standardized way, you're missing out on some of the amazing upside of this technology."

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Press Source: Bloomberg Radio

Bloomberg Money Minute

"Putting an AI system in a small bakery doesn't seem to make any sense at all. ... in a big manufacturing plant it may make a lot of sense."

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