Press Source: Center for Strategic and International Studies

China's post-reform trajectory: An interview with Yasheng Huang

"There are tensions domestically between the policy of cracking down on the private sector and the financial and economic dependency on it."

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Press Source: Forbes

Time management or time agility: How to find the flow

Otto Scharmer offered the term "holding the space" to describe how leaders create the right conditions for the emergence of new ideas.

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Press Source: CNBC

A Microsoft under attack from government and tech rivals after 'preventa...

"Cybersecurity has to be in the culture of the organization. Corporate culture prioritizes other things over security and risk management."

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Press Source: Enterprising Investor

For the analyst: Peer benchmarking methods to improve earnings forecasts

"Finding suitable peers for financial analysis is a vexing task that requires careful consideration of firms' underlying economics ... "

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