Press Source: The European Business Review

How top-performing firms needed to reorganise seven times for digital

"We found that a company must perform organisational surgery, often reorganising many times to create [new digital value]."

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Press Source: MSN | Tech Report

How AI is set to financially empower Americans

"The stakes are high. There's a lot of money in this space, a lot of financial advisors, and a lot of problems with having bad financial advice."

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Press Source: Newsweek

Biden administration balances climate action with tough stance on China

"In the longer run, it's important to think about the political base of support for U.S. climate action."

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Press Source: TechTarget

CIOs face obstacles when scaling generative AI

Professor Stuart Madnick, co-founder of Cybersecurity at MIT Sloan (CAMS) is studying more than 170 new cybersecurity regulations that affect IT.

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