Press Source: Harvard Business Review | On Strategy podcast

What's behind the success of some tech start-ups?

Andrew McAfee explains why business leaders need to think more like geeks and why it's important to center your culture on company norms.

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Press Source: The Boston Globe

Tech Power Players 50 | 2024

The Tech Power Players 50 ranking features leaders who make New England's technology scene vibrant and vital. 8 MIT Sloan affiliates are included

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Press Source: The New York Times

Are flight offsets worth it?

In order for an offset to be legitimate, professor John Sterman says a project's results must be verifiable, immediate and durable.

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Press Source: Art Outdoors

Take time to take in "Tapped In-Moving Hearts and Minds Through Art and ...

"Regenerate" by artist Raquel Fornasaro based on the work of professor John Sterman is a "climate bathtub simulation" crafted from tree branches.

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