"‘Truth is our only refuge': Why the CBO Must Remain Independent."

Lucas, Deborah J. The Conversation, February 4, 2015.

"Putting an Accurate Price Tag on Government Credit Support."

Lucas, Deborah J. VOXeu, Centre for Economic Policy Research, December 5, 2014.

"Evaluating the Government as a Source of Systemic Risk."

Lucas, Deborah J. Journal of Financial Perspectives Vol. 2, No. 3 (2014): 5-26.

"Rebutting Arrow and Lind: Why Governments Should Use Market Rates for Discounting."

Lucas, Deborah J. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research Vol. 6, No. 1 (2014): 85-91.

"Comment on 'Testing Macroprudential Stress Tests: The Risk of Regulatory Risk Weights'."

Lucas, Deborah J. Journal of Monetary Economics Vol. 65, No. 1 (2014): 54-56.

"Evaluating the Cost of Government Credit Support: The OECD Context."

Lucas, Deborah J. Economic Policy Vol. 29, No. 79 (2014): 553-597. Download Preprint.

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