"​Letter to Congressman Paul Ryan on Accounting for FHA’s Single-Family Mortgage Insurance Program on a Fair-Value Basis."

Lucas, Deborah J.

"Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Role of the Secondary Mortgage Market."

Deborah Lucas and David Torregrosa. In A CBO Study, edited by Christian Howlett. Washington, DC: December 2010.

"Heterogeneity and Portfolio Choice: Theory and Evidence."

Curcuru, Stephanie, John Heaton, Deborah J. Lucas and Damien Moore. In The Handbook of Financial Econometrics, 337-382. Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland, 2010.

"Letter to Congressman Barney Frank on cost of Fannie and Freddie under different accounting regimes."

Lucas, Deborah J.

"The Budgetary Impact and Subsidy Cost of the Federal Reserve’s Activities During and Financial Crisis."

Kim Kowalewski, Wendy Kiska, and Deborah Lucas. In A CBO Study, Washington, DC: May 2010.

"Guaranteed Versus Direct Lending: The Case of Student Loans."

Lucas, Deborah J. and Damien Moore. In Measuring and Managing Federal Financial Risk, edited by Deborah J. Lucas , 163-205. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2010.

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