"Linear Regression with Partially Mismatched Data: Local Search with Theoretical Guarantees."

Mazumder, Rahul and Haoyue Wang. Mathematical Programming Vol. 197, No. 2 (2023): 1265-1303.

"Subset Selection with Shrinkage: Sparse Linear Modeling when the SNR is Low."

Mazumder, Rahul, Peter Radchenko, and Antoine Dedieu. Operations Research Vol. 71, No. 1 (2023): 129-147. arXiv Preprint.

"Integration of Survival Data from Multiple Studies."

Ventz, Steffen, Rahul Mazumder, and Lorenzo Trippa. Biometrics Vol. 78, No. 4 (2022): 1365-1376.

"Using L1-relaxation and Integer Programming to Obtain Dual Bounds for Sparse PCA."

Dey, Santanu, Rahul Mazumder, and Guanyi Wang. Operations Research Vol. 70, No. 3 (2022): 1914-1932.

"Frank-Wolfe Methods with an Unbounded Feasible Region and Applications to Structured Learning."

Wang, Haoyue, Haihao Lu, and Rahul Mazumder. SIAM Journal on Optimization Vol. 32, No. 4 (2022).

"Solving L1-regularized SVMs and Related Linear Programs: Revisiting the Effectiveness of Column and Constraint Generation."

Dedieu, Antoine, Rahul Mazumder, and Haoyue Wang. Journal of Machine Learning Research Vol. 23, No. 164 (2022): 1-41. arXiv Preprint.

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