Alumni Economics

Creating a More Inclusive Global Movement


Professors Tavneet Suri and Esther Duflo recently participated in a fireside chat at the MIT Sloan Women’s Conference.

Nov 17, 2022
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Press Source: Kenan Insight | Kenan Institute (Opinion Piece)

Getting dirty firms to clean up their act: Should you divest or invest?

"Climate policy efforts are starting to see success, but inaction and delays have motivated stakeholders to search for complementary solutions."

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MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative Sustainability

Weixiang Wang is confident a net zero Singapore is possible


Weixiang Wang was a student at the University of California, Berkeley back in 2006, when he chanced upon a seminar that changed his life—a seminar later made into the film An Inconvenient Truth.

Nov 14, 2022
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Alumni Gender

Highlights from the MIT Sloan Women's Conference


On the same day the MIT Corporation named Sally Kornbluth as the Institute’s 18th president, the long-awaited MIT Sloan Women’s Conference commenced in Cambridge.

Nov 10, 2022
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