MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program Manufacturing

Engineering a green future of transportation

Mario Carandente, SFMBA '22, shares his background in leading design and engineering functions for McLaren Automotive, and how his dreams for the future aligned with the MIT Sloan Fellows MBA.

Sep 20, 2022
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Press Source: The Christian Science Monitor

Is nuclear power a green solution? Why world tilts toward 'yes.'

Younger environmentalists "haven't already made up their minds about this, that, or the other technology."

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Press Source: Medium | Field of the Future Blog (Opinion Piece)

Protect the Flame

"Because our planetary emergency is already so fragile, each of us needs to hold and protect the flame by holding it close to our heart."

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Alumni Entrepreneurship

Behind the Scenes at Demo Day


On Friday, September 9, the MIT delta v accelerator returns to Kresge Auditorium for Demo Day 2022.

Sep 7, 2022
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