Ideas Made to Matter Climate Change

Building the case for women waste entrepreneurs


Women are uniquely situated to help tackle the global waste crisis in the circular economy. What’s needed now to advance their role: more data and adequate funding.

Mar 13, 2024
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Ideas Made to Matter Sustainability

Social learning influences green tech adoption


Government subsidies for green tech should consider the role of social learning in consumer decision making.

Mar 12, 2024
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Press Source: The Telegraph

How collapsing energy use reveals Britain’s economic disaster

“The pathways to net zero involve significant electrification,” says Catherine Wolfram. “We would be expecting [electricity use] to increase.”

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Press Source: Heatmap

A carbon tax is back on the table

Catherine Wolfram says that if the U.S. were to institute a carbon fee, it would be a major step towards a worldwide carbon price.

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