Action Learning Entrepreneurship

Discovering new market segments for startup's ESG datasets


Floodlight, a geospatial data intelligence company that provides ESG governance insights, asked a team of E-Lab students to identify potential new market segments and design potential customer discovery interviews. According to CEO and co-founder Nate Wyne, the project resulted in a "full redirectio...

Jan 10, 2024
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Press Source: Peterson Institute for International Economics

Putting progress over protectionism in climate policy

"This moment in history provides ample reminders that a world more reliant on clean energy would also be a safer world."

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Press Source: Stanford Social Innovation Review

Systemic investing for social change

"A growing number of people, across multiple sectors, are bringing a systems lens to societal change."

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Ideas Made to Matter Supply Chain

The state of supply chain sustainability


The fourth annual report documents a wavering commitment to sustainability in lean times but steady pressure from investors and corporate buyers.

Dec 14, 2023
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