Alumni Sustainability

Can solar energy be more accessible?


In the U.S., eighty percent of people are locked out of the solar market because they can’t put solar on their rooftop. Solstice, co-founded by Sandhya Murali, MBA ’15, and Stephanie Speirs, MBA ’17, is changing the system with an inclusive model of community solar.

Apr 26, 2024
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Press Source: Inc.

Why you might be hiring engineers too soon

"Routine maintenance becomes difficult without institutional knowledge, which is often lost with a freelancer, contractor, or dev shop."

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Ideas Made to Matter Entrepreneurship

Disciplined entrepreneurship: 6 questions for startup success


In the updated version of “Disciplined Entrepreneurship,” MIT Sloan’s Bill Aulet delves into the importance of knowing your customer, scaling your business, and more.

Apr 16, 2024
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