Press Source: Financial Times

Why take risk in fixed income?

The thesis of Prof. David Thesmar's study is that IICCs, not Capm outputs, are the right discount rates to use in each category of company.

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Press Source: Freakonomics | MD (Podcast)

Who pays for multimillion-dollar miracle cures?

"If you combine multiple diseases into a single financial portfolio, all of a sudden the risk-reward trade off becomes more attractive."

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Press Finance

Megafund approach to attract more private investors to fusion energy


With the first commercial fusion-powered electrical plants projected to come online in the 2030s, it could be "the ideal time for investors interested in the fusion space to act."

Feb 28, 2023
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Ideas Made to Matter Sustainability

ESG ratings: Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water


ESG ratings may be flawed, but they remain the most effective way to measure the ethical behavior of companies, MIT researchers contend.

Feb 23, 2023
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Ideas Made to Matter Financial Markets

The dark side of stock market circuit breakers


Circuit breakers are meant to calm the markets. But new research shows that they can backfire and create more volatility if not properly designed.

Feb 16, 2023
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Press Source: The Washington Post

Who is Lael Brainard?

"I'm sure that was a very lonely struggle. But it was quite effective...and made people think about the consequences of [relaxing regulations.]"

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Ideas Made to Matter Leadership

In times of turmoil, ‘all eyes are on the CFO.’ Here’s why


Here’s how four chief financial officers track market and product trends, manage investors’ expectations, and make the most of their data.

Feb 1, 2023
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Press Source: Yahoo Finance (Video)

MIT Professor says Microsoft's investment in ChatGPT has Google 'shook'

"... this could change the game of search entirely, which is core to Google's business."

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Press Source: Fortune

The future of finance will include generative A.I., says an MIT research...

"I think, increasingly, we're going to be seeing generative A.I. used for financial forecasts and scenario generation."

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Press Source: Wired

Quantum startups' stock market dreams are decohering

"All SPACs aren't bad, but a lot of them were bad because they should never have been public to begin with."

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