Press Source: The New York Sun

Is communist China downgrading the issue of Taiwan as it readies for a p...

"We are basically seeing a repeat of Chinese history, when the Chinese state previously restricted economic and political freedom."

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Press Source: Ivoox | Things I Didn't Learn In School (Podcast)

China Under Xi Jinping - MIT Prof. Yasheng Huang

"In my book I observed that the Chinese economy was catching up with South Korea but the Chinese politics was catching up with North Korea."

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Press Source: Financial Times

Are we right to fear China?

Yasheng Huang's wry dedication — “to the autocrats of the world. They give us so much to write about” — says it all.

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Press Source: Reuters

China’s leaders speed towards Japanisation

China’s economic misdirection is catalogued in Professor Yasheng Huang’s "The Rise and Fall of the East."

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Press Source: Manifold (Podcast)

Yasheng Huang: China's examination system and its impact on politics, ec...

Yasheng Huang discusses his new book, "The Rise and Fall of the EAST”

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Press Source: Foreign Affairs (Opinion Piece)

China’s economic slowdown was inevitable

"Beijing has betrayed and rejected its own success formula, and the economy is paying the price."

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Press Source: Next Big Idea Club (Opinion Piece)

The rise and fall of the EAST: How exams, autocracy, stability, and tech...

"I compare democracy to an insurance policy. When things go well, you do not need it, but when things go badly, you would appreciate having it."

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Press Source: Foreign Policy

How to get Chinese elites to support democracy

"In the wise words of a Chinese proverb, 'accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger.'"

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal (Subscription Required)

‘The Rise and Fall of the EAST’ review: China’s conformity crisis

In "The Rise and Fall of the EAST," Mr. Huang explains Chinese history as a tussle between administrative "scale" and intellectual "scope."

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece) (Registration Required)

How to kill Chinese dynamism

"Capitalism is an innovation machine because it provides the mechanisms needed to turn inventions into economy-boosting innovations."

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