Press Source: Scientific American (Opinion Piece)

Counterfactual experiments are crucial but easy to misunderstand

"With COVID-19, as with climate, we need to explore a variety of possible futures in order to set policy."

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion piece)

We cannot ignore the links between COVID-19 and the warming planet

Henry Jacoby and co-authors write: “The inextricable connections between global warming and pandemics are ignored at our peril."

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

Can a pandemic aid the fight against global warming?

Prof. Henry Jacoby and co-authors write: “...even under all of this stress, we cannot afford to forget the peril posed by an overheated planet."

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

There is no Plan B on climate change

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

Who is holding up the war on global warming? You may be surprised

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

A tragic misperception about climate change

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

Advice on climate policy for the 2020 presidential candidates

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Press Source: Hartford Courant (Opinion Piece) |

Don't let the 'Green New Deal' hijack the climate's future

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Press Source: The Conversation (Opinion Piece)

Why the next two years are critical for the Paris climate deal's surviva...

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