Press Source: MDLinx

How do we integrate AI into mental health? These researchers have pragma...

“Where I see these technologies really being able to help with access is through training and providing more targeted supervisory support.”

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Press Source: Fierce Healthcare

A new paper offers mental health clinicians a framework for using AI on ...

"Documentation is just a crushing burden. We believe that these AI technologies have tremendous potential to change clinicians' quality of life."

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Press Source: STAT (Opinion Piece)

6 tactics to make artificial intelligence work on the frontlines

"For top managers, state-of-the art AI tools are a no-brainer. But in the wild, it's often just the opposite for frontline employees."

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Press Source: MedCity News

From Post-it Notes to AI: How AI technology can improve workflow for men...

"There’s been very little research done on the benefits of AI technologies for frontline providers."

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Piece)

4 mistakes leaders often make when introducing new technology

" ... helping employees to accept new technologies is just as important as making sure the systems work in the first place."

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Press Source: MIT Sloan Management Review (Opinion Piece)

Why workplace hierarchies matter in skill transformation

While...workplace hierarchies can impede learning efforts, there are strategies to bolster the success of training initiatives.

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Press Source: EHRIntelligence

Collaboration fuels best practices for health IT implementation

"The promise of these technologies is that they're going to automate a lot of practices and processes, but they don't do that perfectly."

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Press Source: MIT News

A better way to introduce digital tech in the workplace

"If you want to get value out of new digital technology, you need to allow local teams to adapt the technology to their setting."

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Press Source: Commonwealth Magazine (Opinion Piece)

Nursing homes have made staff gains, but more needed

"...we urge government leaders to continue to make the necessary fund wage increases for our deserving staff..."

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Press Source: WBUR | Cognoscenti (Opinion Piece)

4 things Mass. must do immediately to prevent another COVID-19 crisis in...

"...prioritizing COVID-19 treatment and management in nursing homes has become a critical moral imperative."

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