Press Source: WBEZ

Want to make friends from a different economic class? Try your local App...

Chain restaurants represent places that have the potential to break class barriers, according to a new study.

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Press Source: The Economist (Subscription Required)

Where do Americans mingle?

By matching people’s movements to data on where they live, [Nathan Wilmers and co-author] were able to see where rich and poor mingle.

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Press Source: The Washington Post

Where do socioeconomic classes mix? Not church, but Chili’s.

The authors analyzed a trove of geolocation data to assess where and when Americans come into contact with people of different income classes.

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Press Source: Harvard Business School | Working Knowledge

It's not all about pay: College grads want jobs that 'change the world'

"This college premium has been a big source of inequality and rising inequality over the past 40 years."

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Press Source: TIME

Income inequality in America hasn't risen in a decade. It may not feel l...

"It's unexpected good news for those of us who have been studying inequality trends for a while."

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Press Source: Quartz

US income inequality hasn't risen for a decade

After decades of increase since the 1980s, income inequality peaked in 2012 and has held steady or perhaps even fallen since.

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Press Source: NPR

Housing conditions in this low-income neighborhood pushed tenants to sue...

"Renters are exposed to exploitation on account of their reliance on housing and their lack of options for securing it."

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Press Source: Boston Review

Six labor policies we need now

"...we are seeing in many of our students a new determination to help shape a fairer, more equitable, and sustainable business world.”

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Press Source: BBC News

Why claiming 'job turf' could help improve your pay

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Press Source: LSE Blogs (Opinion Piece)

Large corporate buyers may be the hidden culprit behind stagnant wages.

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