Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

The Fed's climate awakening

"One issue sure to make headlines is the extent to which the Fed should concern itself with risks posed ... by climate change."

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Press Source: Financial Times (Subscription Required)

'A major failure': Fed under fire for handling of trading scandal

"For an institution that prides itself on communication and prides itself on transparency, this is a major failure."

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

Stop scapegoating care workers

"After a two-year pandemic ... there is an understandable desire to blame someone for the appalling death toll from COVID-19."

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

Omicron and what comes next

" ... the arrival of the Omicron variant is forcing people to ask: Are we about to go through it all again?"

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Press Source: The New York Times

Fed ethics office warned officials to curb unnecessary trading during re...

“It speaks to governance, incentives and general attitude ... Presumably, someone in the White House will pay attention and look at the details.”

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

Will the federal reserve support inclusive prosperity?

"A major debate is in the making ... in the United States about the appropriate objectives and triggers for monetary policy ... "

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Press Source: The Boston Globe

'There will be a benefit to everyone': Why some businesses welcome Biden...

Not requiring vaccines or testing is like “asking people to go to work where they know people around them would be smoking.”

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

Why is COVID-19 surging in America again?

" ... 'I should be free to infect my colleagues with a potentially fatal illness.' is so far gaining little traction with the courts."

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

Time to relax global travel restrictions

"...complex and ever-shifting restrictions make foreign travel a daunting proposition…it is time to relax these rules in a responsible manner.”

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

The better crisis response

"The best way to prepare for the unforeseeable is to help people live healthier and more prosperous lives in good times..."

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