Press Source: MIT Sloan Management Review (Opinion Piece)

Preparing your company for the next recession

"Uncertainty surges dramatically during recessions. Our research has identified three fundamental ways to manage uncertainty."

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Press Source: HR Dive

How to end the Great Resignation, according to MIT researchers

Donald Sull and co-author found that a toxic workplace was the main cause of turnover in their survey sample.

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Press Source: Inc.

These are the top 5 reasons people are quitting during the Great Resigna...

"A toxic corporate culture is by far the strongest predictor of industry-adjusted attrition ..."

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Press Source: Medium | Authority Magazine

Female disruptors: Nhat Nguyen of on the three things you ...

Nhat Nguyen (MBA '21) says: "I love the mission of the company to unlock productivity for people by building innovative tools ... "

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Press Source: Fortune

Respect–it's the one thing that can transform your company culture

“Employees rightly walk in the door expecting to be respected—if that's violated it elicits a strong negative reaction and it's universal.”

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Press Source: MIT Sloan Management Review (Opinion Piece)

10 things your corporate culture needs to get right

" ... culture is on the minds of the employees that companies are trying to retain."

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Press Source: The Economist

The rise of working from home

In a report... [Senior Lecturer] Don Sull of MIT and Charles Sull...analysed workers' ratings of the culture and values of their employers.

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Press Source: MIT Sloan Management Review (Opinion Piece)

How companies are winning on culture during COVID-19

"At first glance, you might expect COVID-19 to be a disaster for corporate culture."

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Press Source: BlogTalkRadio (Audio)

HRExaminer executive conversations with Don Sull, CultureX

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Press Source: MIT Sloan Management Review (Opinion Piece)

Why company culture matters for strategic results

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