Press Source: The Washington Post

The U.S. plan to avoid extreme climate change is running out of time

"The current official U.S. targets are ambitious. They are also necessary to create a prosperous, healthy climate."

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

'Cash for Clunkers' can cut gas prices, climate change – and Putin's inc...

A 'Cash for Clunkers' (C4C) program would speed vehicle retirement, cut U.S. oil consumption, and help achieve our climate goals.

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Press Source: The Economy, Land & Climate Podcast

Why bioenergy increases CO2 emissions even more than burning coal

John Sterman discusses his groundbreaking research that proved burning wood for energy will "increase atmospheric CO2 for at least a century."

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Press Source: MarketWatch (Opinion Piece)

'Net zero' pledges can amount to greenwashing. This is the better way to...

"To truly cut emissions, offsets must be AVID+: Additional, Verifiable, Immediate, Durable — and help meet other societal goals (the 'plus')."

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Press Source: PBS NewsHour (Video)

Why lumber costs fluctuated drastically during the pandemic, and how it ...

"Stock-outs lead to panic orders … And that, of course, makes everything worse, in a kind of vicious cycle, self-reinforcing process.”

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Press Source: The New York Times | Opinion

How to soften the bullwhip effect

"People are not very good at keeping track of the supply line … The on-hand inventory plays an outsize role in conditioning their decisions.”

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Press Source: Wired

How 'green' are wood pellets as a fuel source?

“You put carbon into the air right now, today. ... Maybe you'll remove it in decades to come, or a century from now. That's a terrible deal.”

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Press Source: Associated Press

'Watered-down hope': Experts wanted more from climate pact

“There is no plausible way to limit warming to 1.5 or even 2 (degrees) if coal is not phased out ... along with oil and gas …"

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Press Source: National Geographic Magazine (Registration Required)

Europe burns a controversial 'renewable' energy source: Trees from the U...

... cutting down trees to burn them would be worse for climate over the next few decades.

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal

How I cut my use of fossil fuels: Tips from the pros

Since John Sterman and his wife completed an energy retrofit on their home ... they have generated about 45% more energy than they use.

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