Press Source: Hindustan Times

India could have 2.87 lakh Covid-19 cases per day by 2021 winter if no c...

... the top ten countries by projected daily infection rates at the end of winter 2021 are India with 2.87 lakh infections per day ...

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Press Source: WCVB-TV (Video)

MIT researcher says COVID-19 cases likely 10x higher than reported

A recent MIT study found that the actual number of coronavirus cases and deaths may be widely underreported. Prof. John Sterman was interviewed.

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Press Source: The Hill

New MIT study says actual number of coronavirus cases is 12 times higher...

“The magnitude of [the] epidemic is widely under-reported with much variation globally ...”

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Press Source: The Boston Globe

Actual number of COVID-19 cases is 12 times higher than reported, with 5...

...the researchers estimate that 1 percent of cases have been fatal...roughly 10 times the fatality rate of the seasonal flu.

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Press Source: Bloomberg | Green

A green megamansion rises in south Florida

“These homes can be done for ordinary folks, not just billionaires,” says John Sterman

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Press Source: Township Journal

Store manager: 'Please buy only what you need'

Beyond the un-neighborliness of leaving none for the next guy, hoarding is counterproductive – and highly contagious, said Prof. John Sterman.

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Press Source: The Hill (Opinion Piece)

Burning wood is not a solution to climate change

John Sterman and co-authors say: "Letting forests grow is the single best way we currently have to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere."

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Press Source: Bloomberg

The professor who turns climate change into a game

“Research,” [Sterman] deadpans, “shows that showing people research doesn't work.” What does work is playing games.

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Press Source: CBC News Network (Canada) (Audio)

Burning biomass in N.S. will speed up the climate crisis, warns MIT prof

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Press Source: EcoWatch

3 tools to help you channel your inner climate scientist

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