Press Source: Fast Company

These are the key arguments in the antitrust case against Facebook

“What's unique about the personal social networking market is that it runs on network effects, which tends to warrant market concentration.”

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Press Source: The New York Times

Humans can help clean up Facebook and Twitter

“Human-in-the-loop moderation is the right would give accountability where these companies have in the past blamed software.”

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Press Source: Computer History Museum (Video)

Building a better Hype Machine: How we can achieve the promise of social...

When users stop to reflect...they are less likely to believe other fake news stories several minutes to an hour afterward.

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Press Source: Quartz

What if antitrust regulators forced Google to sell Chrome?

Owning the world's most popular web browser gives Google an opening to snoop on users' browsing activity in new ways.

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Press Source: Wired (Video)

Debunking election & social media myths

Sinan Aral takes a look at some common myths swirling around social media and the upcoming election, and examines their validity.

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Press Source: GBH | Innovation Hub (Audio)

How social media is changing how society works

Last April, states began to sporadically reopen their economies after weeks of being shut down. The uncoordinated reopening caused chaos.

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Press Source: The Economist | Checks and Balance Podcast

Reality wreck

This week's debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden highlighted how even the truth has become a partisan issue. Can reality be reclaimed?

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Press Source: Harvard Business Review (Opinion Piece)

Breaking up Facebook won't fix social media

"Breaking up Facebook could take 10 years. By the time that happened, the landscape of social media would look nothing like it does today."

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Press Source: NPR (Audio)

Author interview: Adapting to social media's disruptions in 'The Hype Ma...

Sinan Aral argues that social media has both promise and peril. To reap the benefits of these technologies we need to better understand them.

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Press Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (Podcast)

Future of college sports and social media

Sinan Aral, Director of MIT's Initiative on the Digital Economy, talks about his book "The Hype Machine." (13:41)

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