Press Source: MeriTalk News

Hill witnesses call for creation of Federal AI agency

A Federal AI agency could be very necessary for the field of AI with an explicit aim of investing in the things that are falling by the wayside.

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Press Source: Project Syndicate

America's real China problem

"The new [US] policy may not go far enough, especially when it comes to addressing the problem posed by China."

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Press Source: Stanford Social Innovation Review (Opinion Piece)

Choosing AI’s impact on the future of work

"If AI brings a dystopian future, it will be because we failed to grasp how this technology could be developed and used."

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Press Source: Veja (Brazil)

"Lula disappointed me," says Turkish economist Daron Acemoglu

Income distribution programs, like those created during Lula's first presidential term, fulfilled their role, but are no longer sufficient.

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Press Source: WBZ News

Are more workers striking?

"Unions have a greater strength because of the relatively pro-worker, pro-union president in the White House and the labor market doing well."

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Press Source: ABC News

Worker strikes are surging. Strains of technology may be to blame in par...

"Strikes are most saliently motivated by wage issues and working conditions, and you can't fault workers for that."

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece) (Registration Required)

The wrong BRICS expansion

"The world does not need more countries to fall under Chinese and Russian influence, or to align against the United States."

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Press Source: Spiegel International

MIT economist takes on big tech: "Our future will be very dystopian"

The rich and powerful have hijacked progress throughout history, says Daron Acemoglu. They did so in the Middle Ages and now in the age of AI.

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Press Source: Financial Times

Business Book of the Year 2023 — the longlist

Fifteen books were filtered by FT journalists from more than 500 entries for the award.

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Press Source: WBUR | Here and Now (Audio)

'Power and Progress': How technology should lead to shared economic grow...

Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson look at how technology has too often benefited the elite few and not the masses.

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