Press Source: Business Insider

What productivity boom? AI will provide just a 1% GDP boost over the nex...

"My calculations suggest that the GDP boost within the next 10 years should also be modest, in the range of 0.93%-1.16% over 10 years in total."

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Press Source: Financial Times

Daron Acemoglu is not having all this AI hype

"I estimate that [total factor productivity] effects from AI advances within the next 10 years will be modest "

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Press Source: Financial Times

How to get big numbers when predicting AI's effect on growth

"Some uncertainty is of course healthy," says Daron Acemoglu of the change brought on by AI, since "we are at the very, very beginning of it."

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Press Source: Project Syndicate

History already tells us the future of AI

Machines are not necessarily good or bad. Whether they destroy or create jobs all depends on how we deploy them, and on who makes those choices.

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Press Source: Project Syndicate

Are we ready for AI creative destruction?

"We urgently need to pay attention to how the next wave of disruptive innovation could affect our social, democratic, and civic institutions."

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Press Source: Forbes

How AI is transforming work and enhancing labor sustainability reporting

"Companies must recognize that, in reality, labor is a critical resource for productivity growth."

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Press Source: The Washington Post

AI doesn't have to destroy jobs. It can empower the working class.

Research from Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, Danielle Li, and Mert Demirer is referenced in this article about the effects of AI on workers.

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Press Source: Financial Times

Is the rich world stuck in an ‘upper-income trap’?

The west is not channelling innovation as well as it could. “This reflects the dominance of a few firms that are hoarding innovative resources."

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Press Source: Economics Explained

MIT study reveals why Africa is still poor

"The natural resources that should be Africa's golden ticket to economic prosperity have in many instances just been used by despotic leaders."

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Press Source: Atlantic Council

Foreword: Creating another wave of democracy

"Democracies need to show that they deliver in terms of economic growth, shared prosperity, control of corruption, and people's needs and wishes.

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