Press Source: The Economist | Checks and Balance (Podcast)

Will the employment boom reshape American business?

Prof. Daron Acemoglu from MIT explains if robots could make up the shortfall in the labour market. (26:24)

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Press Source: Financial Times (Subscription Required)

Automation exacts a toll in inequality

"The technological portfolio of the American economy has become much less balanced, and in a way that is highly detrimental to workers."

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Press Source: Wired

Now you can rent a robot worker–for less than paying a human

Daron Acemoglu ... suggests that the adoption of robots from 1990 to 2020 resulted in fewer jobs and lower wages overall.

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Press Source: The New York Times

Economists pin more blame on tech for rising inequality

The economic payoff of investing in machines and software has been elusive. But the inequality resulting from those investments is crystal clear.

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Press Source: Medium | Authority Magazine

Female disruptors: Nhat Nguyen of on the three things you ...

Nhat Nguyen (MBA '21) says: "I love the mission of the company to unlock productivity for people by building innovative tools ... "

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

Climate change vs. The Sino-American cold war

"For the world to meet even a 2°C target requires collaboration between the United States and China."

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Press Source: Wired (Opinion Piece)

The Turing test is bad for business

"US businesses have been slow in adopting the most advanced AI technologies ... "

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Press Source: London School of Economics Business Review

Natural experiments in labour economics and beyond

... we invited our panels of economists to comment on the work of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.

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Press Source: Marketplace (Audio)

You do want fries with that: Wendy's and Google bet on drive-thru AI

" ... we have been investing more and more in automation, technologies, and that has been associated with much greater inequality."

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

The Bitcoin fountainhead

"With the price of Bitcoin reaching new highs … cryptocurrencies are here to stay. What implications will this have for money and politics?”

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