Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

What climate change requires of economics

"If we are going to avoid misguided policy pathways ... we need to adapt mainstream economics to new climate realities.”

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Press Source: Reuters

As workers age, robots take on more jobs

"Aging is a huge part of the story” in robot adoption.

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Press Source: Associated Press

Do we need humans for that job? Automation booms after COVID

“Many of the jobs that [got] automated ... don't exist anymore, and the workers that used to perform them are now doing lower-skill jobs.”

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

Why nation-building failed in Afghanistan

"The successful centralization of power under state institutions more commonly involves the assent and cooperation of the people subject to it."

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Press Source: The Washington Post (Opinion Piece)

The AI we should fear is already here

"AI capabilities do not involve anything close to true reasoning. Still, the effects can be pernicious. Narrow AI is already displacing workers."

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal

Many jobs lost during the coronavirus pandemic just aren't coming back

...there are a lot of piecemeal automation steps that companies can take that might be cost-effective...

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Press Source: The New York Times

Pandemic wave of automation may be bad news for workers

“A significant portion of the rise in U.S. wage inequality over the last four decades has been driven by automation..."

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Press Source: KHOW-AM | The Ross Kaminsky Show (Audio)

Daron Acemoglu (MIT Econ): Automation is driving down blue-collar wages

...automation is responsible for "more than half" of the decline in wages...more than the rise of China and the decline of private-sector unions.

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Press Source: Marketplace (Audio)

Automation is replacing more workers than outsourcing, study says

...wages in America are increasingly unequal, and the biggest factors are related to automation.

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

The right way to worry

"...humanity has acquired a new appreciation for risk...the challenge comes in deciding which problems warrant our attention, and in what order."

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