Press Source: OpenMarkets

Daron Acemoglu on why politics and economics are inseparable

Daron Acemoglu's youth in Turkey produced early lessons on the inextricable link between economics and politics.

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

Biden's great tax rebalancing

"US President Joe Biden's plan to overhaul America's outdated and self-defeating corporate-tax structure is as bold as it is necessary."

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Press Source: NBC News (Video)

Manufacturers embrace robots, the perfect pandemic worker

"We're not training workers for the new types of jobs that may exist."

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Press Source: International Monetary Fund (Opinion Piece)

Remaking the post-COVID world

"With misinformation rising...we may not have the right tools to keep the state in check. Yet we do not have the luxury not to try."

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

US institutions after Trump

"...the first priority for the federal government today must be to rebuild public trust after decades of growing estrangement."

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Press Source: The Economist

New research shows the robots are coming for jobs–but stealthily

“Good” automation generates large productivity increases [and] leads to the creation of many new tasks (and therefore jobs) for humans.

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Press Source: London School of Economics - LSE Business Review

Would society be better off were Facebook to divest WhatsApp and Instagr...

"Less concentration in social media is important. But the benefits to society depend on how the ownership of personal data will be regulated."

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Press Source: Project Syndicate (Opinion Piece)

Is Biden up to the good jobs challenge?

Good jobs for those without a college degree have been disappearing...this trend will not reverse itself without an overhaul of economic policy.

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Press Source: London School of Economics - LSE Business Review

How leading economists view antitrust in the digital economy

US and European experts discuss internet giants, and Google's dominance of search and operating practices.

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Press Source: Project Syndicate

Daron Acemoglu says more…

"I proposed gradual radicalism as a prescription for addressing the urgent challenges facing the US."

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