Press Source: Harvard Business Review (Opinion Piece)

New cybersecurity regulations are coming. Here's how to prepare.

"Companies don't need to just sit by and wait for the rules to be written and then implemented."

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Press Source: MIT Sloan Management Review (Opinion Piece)

The rest of the cybersecurity story

"News stories about cyberattacks usually focus on what happened, with little about the 'how' and almost nothing about the 'why.’"

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal | Technology

The biggest mistakes companies make with cybersecurity–and how to avoid ...

"Cyberattacks are frequent and dangerous. ... Every manager knows it. But they still get things wrong with cybersecurity. All the time.”

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Press Source: The Wall Street Journal | The Experts | Leadership (Opinion Piece)

Why small cybersecurity decisions can expose companies to cyberattacks

"Unless organizations study the 'why,' the circumstances that made the cyberattack possible won't be addressed."

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Press Source: Harvard Business Review (Opinion Piece)

What Russia's ongoing cyberattacks in Ukraine suggest about the future o...

"The era of nuclear testing may now be over, but the age of cyber warfare is just beginning."

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Press Source: ABC News

Shields up: How a possible cyberattack could affect Americans and how to...

Stuart Madnick warned that cyberattacks on the Ukrainian computer systems could potentially spill over to other regions.

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Press Source: Communiciations of the ACM (Opinion Piece)

Bursting a few balloons regarding the famous DARPA red balloon challenge

"It is timely to reflect back on the DARPA Network Challenge in 2009 … some important details have not previously been reported.”

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Press Source: ZDNet (Video)

The threat from hackers is getting worse – and ignorance isn't an excuse...

“We have found that the number and magnitude of breaches has been increasing. So the trend is clearly in the wrong direction.”

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Press Source: Harvard Business Review (Opinion Piece)

Navigating cybersecurity risks in international trade

" ... digital products sold across borders are subject to increased scrutiny and controls, and can be targeted for bans ... by host governments."

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Press Source: Inc.

How to protect yourself from ransomware attacks, according to cybersecur...

"The trouble is that a determined attacker will find a way in. ... You need cyber fire drills so ... you're prepared.”

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